A picture of me

A Little About Me

I am currently a Senior at Haverford College where I'm majoring in Computer Science. I am also a Masters student at the University of Pennsylvania majoring Computer and Information Science. I am a member of the Men's Lacrosse team at Haverford, for which I spend a majority of my free time. Some other hobbies I enjoy are hiking and camping, playing the guitar, and spedning time with my dog.

This is my dog Bo!

A picture of Bo

Education & Academics

Haverford College

Haverford, Pennsylvania

B.S. in Computer Science | Starter on Men's Varsity Lacrosse Team | Expected graduation Spring 2025

Overall GPA: 3.89 | Major GPA: 3.96

University of Pennsylvania

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Accelerated Masters in Engineering: Computer and Information Science - Expected graduation Spring 2026

GPA: 3.85

My Projects

Wildlife Tracker

A personal project still in the early stages, I wanted to combine my interests of the outdoors and technology. I think it would be a cool idea for people to be able to post about wildlife in their area with photos, descriptions, and location. This will also be a great opportunity to me to gain some experience with various API's and improve my knowledge with full-stack development.

Predicting House Pricing with Linear Regression and Adaboost (Python)

For my Machine Learning final project, my group implemented Linear Regression and Adaboost learning models to predict propety pricing in the Boston area. The goal of this project was to a) comapre the accuracies of the two models, and b) evaluate which features regarding the properties weighed more in the models' prediction. We found that (not surprisingly) the AdaBoost model was much more accurate than Linear Regression (~0.9 and ~0.7, respectively). As for the factors most valued by the models, both weighed the average number of rooms highly, but differed drastically in their use of other features (or lack thereof). It was valuable to learn how each of these models work, as well as how to apply them to a real-world situation.

PennCloud (C++)

For my Software Systems final project, I developed PennCloud, a distributed cloud platform inspired by Google Apps. My focus was on the backend. I implemented Primary Replication for tablet servers, ensuring data consistency with three replicas per tablet and a primary replica managing write operations. Using Two-Phase Commit (2PC), I guaranteed atomicity for write operations and checkpointing, enabling the system to recover state after crashes. I also designed a crash recovery protocol, where rebooted servers retrieved logs and tablet states from the primary replica to ensure consistency and reintegration. The project required balancing fault tolerance, scalability, and performance, resulting in a robust, high-availability cloud platform.

Big-Int Data Type (C++)

The Big-Int data type that I created was designed to store large values in C-style arrays, where each index held 3 digit values at different memory addresses. It was very difficult to be able to delete and allocate memory at the appropriate times, especially when implementing the copy constructor and = operator. This project drastically improved my knowledge and understanding various concepts regarding memory. Definitely had some late nights with this one.

Relevant Experience


Programming Languages


  • Java
  • Python
  • TypeScript
  • JavaScript
  • C/C++
  • LaTeX


  • UNIX
  • R


  • React Native
  • Firebase
  • NumPy
  • Pandas


  • PyTorch
  • TensorFlow
  • Scikit-learn
  • Keras
Integrated Development Environments
  • PyCharm
  • IntelliJ
  • CLion
  • VsCode
  • Leadership
  • Problem Solver
  • Clear Communicator
  • Team Oriented